Monday, September 12, 2011

Need To Check Our Commitment Towards Terrorism

On one side its US who faced disastrous 9/11 killing 3000 people and after that no attacks till date due to their commitment and harsh attitude towards terrorism for not letting it come again and on other hand we have faced 16 major attacks since 2006 adding Delhi as 17th one. The total of killed and injured must have crossed the US mark and still we say that we will not succumb to terrorism. They attack at the same place twice in just a span of few months and we say that we are committed. What is this type of commitment due to which we can't even have a proper check of our won statements from world forum like UN, SAARC, BRICKS, etc to national forum like NIC. If a foreign ship can enter to our doorstep in spite of having so called committed NAVY, i do not wonder if few men enter to same place in a small boat. This commitment is haunting us every time in some or other way. The end result is that it the common people who face it first and not the one who talk about commitment.

If US thinks that somebody can hurt it or have the courage to hurt they crush them with full power and commitment. Its clear that in their commitment to protect them they have taken lives of thousands or even million but they have ensured that what they committed to them and its people that should be fulfilled. At home we are spending 5 crore/ yr to feed one person to show our stand at world or national forum. In the name of sovereign nation we are letting to go our own people lives. In the name of democracy they play with our constitutional words.

The people who are in power are from among us and we have given them enough to speak about commitment at the loss of our own lives. I am not writing to blame our govt. or the institutions set up to protect us but just to say that we need to check our commitment now. We need to look at ourselves where we are standing and where we are looking. Just now the corruption agitation has shown a mirror to committed people that they are a part of us and we a part of them. It shows that its the responsibility of both side to ensure a commitment.

Institutions and security groups must be there and established to protect individual and nation as a whole but if we do not give them enough rights to do show then its a joke of our own commitment. Any kind of influence on these institutions will provide faulty results. I am not talking about just political but internal influences too put a question mark about full commitment. Responsibility and accountability does play a crucial role in accomplishments of these commitments. Putting an high alert after an incident is not worth enough. Discussion and Action for two or three days of disaster will never solve the purpose. The commitment should be carry continuity and evaluation. The commitment by paper work will end up the repeatability of these incidents. In the name of evaluation of assignments given to institutions if its a LIE it will come out with huge loss. Rather than giving compensation to the affected people it should to salary for some more people filling the LIE things. Rights must be given before hand rather than directing them after the danger. In a country where there are millions of jobless people why we talk about less people to support at the time of evaluation. The discussion must be there before setting up an institution to protect us. A citizen must know whether enough rights are being given to these institutions to avoid loss. In my view a separate section is needed in our constitution to tackle internal and external problems. In addition there must be provision of flexibility at the time of emergency rather than waiting for the instructions from ABOVE.

Next thing which i will point out that YES we can have institutions with enough powers. The govt can be corruption free and determined towards its goals but if we will not be a part of it the result will never come. What a powerful institution will do if one of us let out enemy shelter in our own house for months to plan and hammer us. Welcome and trust are ok but if one is giving 10 times amount to someone to cross a boundary made by us and we are not even suspecting about it i don't think it's fine. Avoiding something and feeling happy after getting more in place of enough will end up loss of lives or anything. If there is Army at the border 24 x 7; if there are security at the entry of each place then how they come at out doorstep and level shoulders. If we have check system when we shop at the mall to prevent stealing of goods i don't think it cant be for sea security. In all there is one link which have broken the commitment to prevent ourselves. There may be thousands of reasons for this broken link.....just think about hunger. The problem is big and we need to be understand it. I don't see any reason if a boy stands near a stall where many are enjoying food and no one worries about him and his hunger and if a person comes and gives him 500 Rs and ask him if he can put a small bag near a person just by saying its of that person and he obeys him. I think we have shown the commitment...hmm. We must not forget that its a nation of 55 % poor instead of having hundreds of welfare schemes and if one link breaks we need to check our commitment. There is no less money in our nation but its with very few ones. If we are snatching bread just to ensure we can throw to pets then i don't think the commitment is complete. Commitment must be distributed and confined.

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